Woah what a day, today (Friday AEST) turned out to be!
Before I get onto that a quick rundown of the ratings, with some slight improvement for Rules of Engagement and Seven logging a win over Getaway with the combo of Thank God/Ghost Whisperer at 7.30.
Meanwhile Nine's Trouble in Paradise got off to a good start with very close timeslot win over Grey's Anatomy and a special mention to The Footy Show which actually won all its markets.
Anywa, nevermind any of that. Michael Jackson, a musician I grew up idolising, suddenly passing away from a heart attack is quite possibly the celebrity story of the year and something I gotta admit - I didn't see coming.
A lot can be said about Jackson, a lot good, and an awful lot bad, so let me just say this...
I highly doubt, given our fast moving increasingly fragmented culture, that we'll ever again see a singer with the singular star power of Michael Jackson.
Ten has a special tonight, Nine has one tomorrow (on Saturday), Music Max and VH1 have been running compilations of his video clips (I just saw the video to Man in the Mirror for the first time) and the news channels are 24/7 with this news and its associated developments.
Nine, which even after State of Origin was on a hiding to third place for the week will probably come out first on the strength of their outstanding coverage tonight as well as their special on Saturday night.
Historically Jackson has always been a ratings draw, I remember when I first started paying attention to ratings and ten had shown an Oprah special in Prime Time where she interviewed the singer - it rated through the roof, which for Ten in 1993 was a rare occurrence. Nine used to preempt popular shows whenever a new clip would debut so Richard Wilkins could host the exclusive premiere in primetime, and even after the thrill had gone there was still an unending appetite for programs as diverse as documentaries on his plastic surgeries to that landmark interview with Martin Bashir which marked the tipping point where Jackson's insane lifestyle started to come crashing down.
This is one of the less coherent blogs I've done in a while, not in a snarky mood I guess, there's all sort of memories and issues to sift through - and if you're anywhere near a media source you'll certainly have your chance over the next few days, but take a moment to appreciate the music
If you've never seen the video to Smooth Criminal do yourself a favour and check this out...
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