Well good luck making sense of last night which was all over the place. Nine at least had a consistent sked but even that didn't help them out beyond Funniest Vids which had a decent return - it will be interesting to see if they can claw back the 200,000 or so viewers who have gone missing over the course of 2008.
Channel Ten had a logical state split based on their AFL screenings Perth Missed out on Mean Girls (because they got the AFL at 6.30) and picking up Sydney's movie after the game, sounds reasonable enough, but channel Seven - WTF is going on there??!?
Even discounting the early evening bumping of Fawlty Towers, why launch two new British series in only two markets?? How does that possibly help their ratings? And what makes them think that anyone who chose Underbelly over Desperate Housewives on Monday is actually at home on Saturday to watch?? The mind boggles...
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