It's Easter school holidays and by startling coincidence it also means the networks go on holidays for two weeks with all crucial series rested during the break.
On Sunday Night that meant Bones at 8.30 on Seven and this week's recipient of the "About A Boy" award for most overplayed movie: The Shawshank Redemption subbing for the CSI twins. Meanwhile Ten remained, the same with their reality comps hurtling towards the finish line, The Biggest Loser, especially has been one of the star performers of Ten's lineup in the last two weeks and the next two should be no different with the clear air of non-ratings providing more room for the show to grow in it's final weeks.
Perth is once again out of whack with the east coast over football match times and Seven's choice of a special on one of the world's worst serial killers, BTK, proved a poor option at 9.30 - especially since CI had a much more in depth look at that story about a month ago on their Serial Killer Sunday.

Nine chose to rerun Underbelly, that reruns pulled in around the million mark is impressive given there's very few who probably haven't seen the episodes at this point!
Again the story though turns out to be Seven and Nine's non-ratings capers have given ten a chance to be on top with Good News Week pulling some of it's best numbers all year (although down on last week's stand-up)
Even Four Corners, which has been in the doldrums from it's second week on received a welcome boost to 3rd place in it's slot with 957k. It's leadout - Spooks fared a lot better also than The Cut whose audience it virtually doubled.
Seven chose to replace their soaps with the lightweight comedy Father of the Bride II, this was a mistake - not only did it earn them fourth spot between 8.30 and 9.30 but it represents a missed opportunity to get a leg up for the Housewives while Underbelly is absent, instead only Ten (and ABC I guess) took advantage of the lull.
Seven's programmers should well remember back to 2006, at the start of that season (the show's second - which was generally regarded as weak) it was reported they were selling commercial time on that show for $100,000 per 30 second slot, then only 6 weeks in they took Housewives off for two weeks during the Commonwealth Games, upon the show's return the ratings had plummeted with people either weaning themselves off the habit or finding alternative means to get hold of episodes.
Now the show is operating with even less followers and Seven seems determined to drive them away also! Gottaloveit.
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